
Cigars For Warriors

We are honored to have the privilege of sending in excess of 1.7 million donated cigars directly to our troops wherever they are serving in the world.

We are a charity and rely on our amazing volunteers, site partners, donations centres and of course kind patrons who donate cigars & funds 

How To Support to Our Troops

We are honored to have the privilege of sending in excess of 1.1 million donated cigars directly to our troops wherever they are serving in the world. If you would like to help support our Troops serving abroad by donating it will be very much appreciated.

We are a charity and rely ondonations from our kind supporters, there are 3 ways you can help Cigars For Warriors


1- Donate Cigars

Send a few (or more!) cigars by direct mail or using one of our 540+ drop-off centers across the US

2- Donate Funds

You are able to send funds through our website and that will help cover the costs of sending cigar donations to our troops

3- Donate Time

We are always in need of volunteers to assist with events, support or day to day running of The Cigars For Warriors Program

Featured Drop-Off Centers

Each Month We Feature Some Of Our Favorite Cigar Stores & Drop-Off Centers

Cigars For Warriors

We have been supporting our troops for over 12+ years, sending them cigars where-ever they are in the world to enjoy at the end of a hard day fighting for our country. We hope you can get involved by donating cigars, funds or volunteering. Thank You

Latest Cigar Events

We all love to go to Cigar Events & we endeavour to have as many listed events continually updated 

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